Friendly Reminders, News, Peewee Rep, 2016-2017 (East Lambton Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 13, 2016 | bdavidson | 1677 views
Friendly Reminders
Hello All,

The following are items which parents and team members need to address. Thanks to those who have done so already. 

1) Book hotel rooms for Port Dover if you wish to do so and have not already done so 

2) We have been accepted into another tournament in West Lorne (Jan 13th-15th)
3) Submit money for tournaments; $70/player 
(Tournament fee breakdown $800 for Port Dover + $700 for West Lorne - $600 from minor hockey). 
4) Give volunteer cheques to Heather Letkeman ($300 dated March 31st 2017)
5) Does your son want to participate in the Hockey Canada Day Nov. 25th? If so, notify me ASAP and submit $10/player fee to Bryan. 

Booking your hotel and getting back to me about the Hockey Canada Day are the two most time sensitive events on the list. If you could please respond back to me by Sunday, October 16th, that would be greatly appreciated. 

Thanks for all your help and support. Any comments or concerns, please let me know. 
Bryan Davidson
[email protected]
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