Sign up Now for your Volunteer Shifts for Alvinston Silver Stick (Dec 5-8), News (East Lambton Minor Hockey)

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Nov 28, 2024 | Angela Smith | 1217 views
Sign up Now for your Volunteer Shifts for Alvinston Silver Stick (Dec 5-8)
Sign-Up for Individual Volunteer Credits for the Alvinston Silverstick (Dec 5-8)

Each ELMHA family is required to complete 3 volunteer credits and must sign up for at least one (1) Silver Stick shift. Please read through the details on the sign-up website for your shift expectations and responsibilities. 

Sign-Up for Team Tournament Funding for th
e AlvinstoSilverstick 

This sign-up is for teams to earn money to go towards a tournament. Each team is allowed to sign up for 2 shifts in total. Time slots are on a first come, first served basis. 
Please read through the details on the sign-up website for your shift expectations and responsibilities. 

Just Blain Sweet