Aug 21, 2024 | Angela Smith | 353 views
Attention Any On Ice Helpers / Coaches, / Trainers / Managers for 2024/25 Season
Reminder for all parents and non-parents who wish to help out as coaches/trainers or on ice helpers this season. OMHA has changed the way in which Vulnerable Sector Checks are completed for any on ice volunteer or member of a bench staff. This process is FREE, however, it appears to be a bit more of a lengthy process. Regardless of when your VSC was completed, this new process MUST be followed. All potential bench staff and on ice helpers MUST have their VSC completed and uploaded following the new OHF regulations. If you are considering being a helper at all in the 24/25 season please start this process now!!
Detailed Steps for completing this can be found under the coaches tab under the Vulnerable Sector/Police Check
This process is taking 4-5 weeks it appears so please get it started now if you are planning to help this season.