Aug 20, 2024 | Angela Smith | 369 views
Welcome Back Eagles!!
Welcome Back ELMHA Parents and Players!
We hope you enjoyed the summer holidays! We are gearing up for the hockey season to start and wanted to get some dates/times/info out to you all. Specifics will be on the website calendar. Our First ice times are starting Sept 5th in Watford.
The Checking clinic is being held Sept 5th from 8-10pm and Sept 6th 6:30-8:30pm in Watford. This is for 2010, 2011, 2012 birth year players only. Please complete the online form by Aug 31st if your player is interested. Time Slots will be emailed out after Aug 31st.
2024 Checking Clinic
Pre skates start Sept 5 to Sept 8 for all ages.
U11-U18 Rep tryouts start Sept 10 and finish Sept 15. Players are guaranteed 1 tryout. Coaches will have to post their final rosters 2 hours after their last ice time on Sept 15.
U9 rep tryouts start Sept 12 and Finish Sept 21. Players are guaranteed 1 tryout. The U9 coach will have to post his final roster 2 hours after their last ice time on Sept 21.
U11-U18 AE tryouts start Sept 17 and Finish sept 22. Players are guaranteed 1 tryout. Coaches will have to post their final rosters 2 hours after their last ice time on Sept 22.
If you are interested in Coaching one of the AE teams, the deadline to submit your name is Sept 15 Midnight, with the option to interview on Sept 16 if necessary. If you are interested in coaching one of the LL teams at any age please submit your name. For those wishing to apply for the AE and LL coaches please complete the online forms by the deadlines above.
AE Coaches Application
Local League Coaches Application
The above info will slowly get posted to the website over the coming week. Oct 6 is when regular ice times will start, that is when the ice is back in Alvinston and we will be back to using both arenas.
Any questions please reach out to any board member.See everyone at the rink soon.
ELMHA Board.