Watford Silver Stick Volunteer Shifts, News (East Lambton Minor Hockey)

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Nov 24, 2023 | Angela Smith | 1100 views
Watford Silver Stick Volunteer Shifts
Links to Sign Up for Volunteer Credits for the Watford Silverstick 

Dec 7-10 and Dec 14-17 




Each ELMHA family is required to complete 3 volunteer credits and must sign up for at least one (1) Silver Stick shift. To be fair for all families, please wait 24 hours before signing up for more than 1 shift.

- Each volunteer must be 18 years of age and older.

- You must sign in and stay for your entire shift. Please arrive on time for your shift. Read through the binder for daily responsibilities and tips. It also helps to give the next shifts volunteers a run down of events. 

Should you not be able to attend, it is your responsibility to find someone to attend for you. If you do not, you will not collect your three (3) Volunteer Credits and your $300 cheque will be cashed at the end of the season. 

Thank you for your time!

Alvinston Optimist Club
Optimist Club of Alvinston Districts started in 1978. We are a group of 65 strong. We help the youth of our community in many ways as possible (team sports, youth dances, literacy programs, HOBY, VIP programs and more). We have donated time and money towards such community improvement such as the library, playground equipment, baseball diamonds and a sports park. In the future, wish to add more community projects to that list. We are committed to our community and the youth within. When you come to check us out you will get a free meal and a fun evening out, with a lot of laughter! Contact an Optimist member or call Marjorie Cumming at 519-898-2946, if you wish to come. We also have a facebook account https://www.facebook.com/alvinstonoc?ref=hl Twitter @alvdisopt
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