Attention Coaches!, News (East Lambton Minor Hockey)

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Oct 11, 2023 | sminten | 392 views
Attention Coaches!
Hi Coaches.
We have been back and forth with OMHA on what's needed to be a head coach.  If you did your clinic in the last 2 months, you have 365 days to go from D1 trainer to D1 certified.  Please spread the word. 
This includes Completing an EAP MED Test on ( portal, the criteria workbook completed and a reviewed practice evaluation by an in person evaluator.  We know it sounds like a lot but this is what we are being told by OMHA to get people on rosters.  If you're an assistant coach it would also be good to get some of this done so your eligible.

Any questions please contact Adam MacKellar ([email protected]) and Michael Dundas (OMHA - 905-780-2152)

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