Sep 12, 2023 | Angela Smith | 447 views
Few Reminders/ Coaching Deadlines
Rep Tryouts Begin Tonight and continue on until Sept 19th.
Reminder: U11-U18 AE coaches need to have applications sent to Brad Rombouts by Sept 20 @ 8:00 am with the knowledge they could have an interview later that day if necessary. Please Email applications to
[email protected]
U11-U18 AE tryouts will start Sept 20 and finish Sept 26.
Also, anyone interested in coaching a local league team for any division can also send their applications to Brad Rombouts as well ([email protected]) by Sept 26th, again with the possibility of an interview the next day if needed.
Remember, If your child is not interested in trying out for either Rep or AE there are times set up for them to get on the ice on Sept 16 and Sept 23 while tryouts are happening.
U7 or Initiation program is starting on Sept 16.