PLEASE READ!-Important Information for ELMHA Families, News (East Lambton Minor Hockey)

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Oct 27, 2022 | sminten | 904 views
PLEASE READ!-Important Information for ELMHA Families
ELMHA parents...
Each family can start handing in their volunteer cheque to their youngest players team manager.  Made out to E.L.M.H.A  for $300.00  dated Mar 31 2023...

ELMHA parents
Each family can start handing in their volunteer cheque to their youngest players team manager.  Made out to E.L.M.H.A  for $300.00  dated Mar 31 2023  
You will not receive your cash draw tickets until this is handed in.
Tickets can be sold and need to be handed back in to your team manager by Jan 30 2023.  Winning Tickets will be drawn at the hockey banquet at the end of the season.
Picture day is coming up shortly, we are still waiting on our eagle sock order so if you have extra eagles socks please spread them around to players that don't have any yet.  The schedule is up for picture night in the news feed below.
Some blackout date information.  There will be no ice times between Dec 24 and Jan 1 for the Christmas break.  Also, there are no ice times for March Break between Mar 11 to Mar 18.  Expect to play games Mar 10 and Mar 18 & 19.  We know some families go on some holidays for March break and wanted everyone to have that info.
Any questions please reach out to any board member.
Thanks.  ELMHA Board

SSCF-Sting Assists
ELMHA thanks the SSCF - Sting Assists Organization for the generous donation of $10,000 for the 2023-24 season.
Alvinston Optimist Club
Optimist Club of Alvinston Districts started in 1978. We are a group of 65 strong. We help the youth of our community in many ways as possible (team sports, youth dances, literacy programs, HOBY, VIP programs and more). We have donated time and money towards such community improvement such as the library, playground equipment, baseball diamonds and a sports park. In the future, wish to add more community projects to that list. We are committed to our community and the youth within. When you come to check us out you will get a free meal and a fun evening out, with a lot of laughter! Contact an Optimist member or call Marjorie Cumming at 519-898-2946, if you wish to come. We also have a facebook account Twitter @alvdisopt