Season Start Up Information, News (East Lambton Minor Hockey)

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Sep 07, 2022 | sminten | 1300 views
Season Start Up Information
Hockey season is starting shortly.  Some info as we get started...

Please watch the website for any new information as the season progresses.  This is our method of getting you up to date information.  The ice time schedule will also be getting added to this week as we get our ice times nailed down with the township.  As always times are a mess until we get our ice back in Alvinston after the fair weekend, then we get to consistent times and days. Please note that our ELMHA ice times will begin Wednesday, September 14.
Ages U9-U18 will each be getting 3 Skills Sessions before tryouts start.  These are open to everyone of each age group, to get you back on the ice to start the season.
Tryouts will start after these skates.  Everyone is guaranteed 1 tryout before any releases can happen.  If possible, have your players bring a light and a dark jersey to tryouts.
Once Rep "C" tryouts are complete we will roll right into AE "D" tryouts.  
Once these are complete we will get the LL teams on the ice to get those teams made.
U9 - Neil Johnson
U11- Dan Davidson
U13- Mark Timmermans
U15- Matt Bork
U18- Brad Coon
Above coaches will all have a specific amount of skates to determine their teams so the tryout process happens in a timely fashion for everyone.
IP players.  Please watch the website for your ice times in the first three weeks.  They are sporadic until the ice goes in at Alvinston.  Remember that parents are encouraged to bring their skates and helmet to help on the ice.  The more helpers the better! 
A reminder that September is always a bit hectic with school, hockey, etc.  please respect all the volunteers helping to get the season going, and give the volunteer coaches a hand whenever possible to keep things running smoothly.
We look forward to seeing everyone at the rink in the coming days.
ELMHA Board.