Hello ELMHA members,
The ELMHA board recognizes that each year our
AGM is an important opportunity to hear directly from our members. ELMHA
continually strives to enhance our programs and ensure that the hockey
experience is fun, satisfying and rewarding for all participants.
This year, our Annual General Meeting will be
held on August 23, 2021, 7pm, at the new pavilion Alvinston. Please follow social distancing and masking protocols. Also, please bring
your own lawn chair.
We plan to organize our AGM agenda in a similar manner to last year. Any member that has ideas, thoughts, and/or concerns to contribute to our AGM discussions can submit them to Brian Thorne by email at [email protected]. Once again, Brian will compile the emails and determine the top 5 common-theme topics. We will spend up to 10 minutes discussing each topic at our AGM. This information will be received by Brian until August 17, 2021.