Hi Everyone,
Warwick Township is conducting a survey and would like your input!
Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Culture Master Plan
The Township of Warwick is developing a Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Culture Master Plan (PRTCMP). The PRTCMP will help the Township identify needs for parks and open spaces, recreation and culture services, and amenities that can support tourism. The PRTCMP will establish strategies to meet local needs over the next ten years in collaboration with community partners. The PRTCMP will explore various topic areas including:
· Recreation, tourism and cultural facilities;
· Leisure programs, activities, and events;
· Parks, open spaces and trails; and
· Service delivery policies and practices.
Have your say! Please provide your input in one or more of the following ways:
1. Visit www.warwicktownship.ca to view the Public Information Centre to learn more about the parks, recreation, tourism and culture system in Warwick and the Master Plan!
2. Visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PRTCMPwarwick to complete the Community Survey. The survey will be open until May 23, 2021.
3. Email Question & Comments to [email protected]
A future Public Information Centre will be held near the end of the planning process to present the draft PRTCMP and to obtain your feedback. Stay tuned for updates!