Jul 02, 2019 | Brian Jubenville | 885 views
Cornfest Dance Tickets - Available for Pick-up Later Today!
Attention ELMHA members:
Our ELMHA Cornfest Elimination Draw Dance tickets will be available for pick-up starting later today, July 2 (evening), at the Watford Ballpark Concession Stand.
ELMHA members are reminded that each family has purchased 4 tickets as part of their registration for our upcoming season. Therefore, selling some or all four of your tickets is an opportunity to reduce your registration costs. Completed ticket stubs can be handed in at Alvinston Three Maples or the Watford Shell station to be entered into the elimination draw. Unclaimed and therefore incomplete ticket stubs will not be included in the elimination draw.
Cornfest Dance Elimination Draw details:
Date: Saturday, August 10, 2019
Location: Watford Arena
Time: 9:30pm - 1:30am
Band: Woodchuck Thief
Age of Majority Only
Over $6000 in Cash Prizes
Each $25 ticket admits 2 people.