AGM Meeting Notice, News (East Lambton Minor Hockey)

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Mar 09, 2019 | Brian Jubenville | 1547 views
AGM Meeting Notice
Hello Parents of ELMHA,
The season is coming to a close and seems there has been quite a bit of success throughout the season for many of our teams.  We hope that all children have enjoyed themselves throughout the season and have made lifetime lasting friendships and memories. For this year, we have decided to make a small modification to a portion of the AGM.  

At this time, I am asking anyone who has ideas, thoughts, complaints/issues to email them in a respectful manner to Brian Thorne at [email protected].  We will then compile those emails and rank the top 5 common themed topics and we will spend up to 10 minutes on each topic at the AGM.  The idea here is to have good dialogue and generate good points so that we can bring it back to the board level and utilize this feedback for future use. I thank you for your time and attention to this important matter and wish all teams still in playoffs the best of luck in the coming weeks.  Go Eagles Go.

Brian Thorne