Oct 04, 2018 | Brian Jubenville | 1084 views
Minor Hockey Day - November 3
This year Minor Hockey Day is being put on by our group of ELMHA Hockey Moms and they have a great day of fun planned!
All teams home/away will be fed upstairs after their game, pancakes will be served for the morning teams and then subs for the afternoon/evening.
Also, we will have:
- 50/50 Draw
- Raffle Table
- Face Painting in the morning
- Herms Shooting Target
- Eagles Wear from Herms will be available to be ordered (they will NOT be set up during picture day like they have been in the past)
** Herms will only be there from 9am-3:30pm**
- Photographer from Silverpeak Canada, please check out his work at silverpeakcanada.com
- NJD Sports will be there....he's the guy where you pay $2.00 and spin the wheel to win a prize
- Mental Health (St. Clair Child & Youth) will have a booth set up. Teams will be given green tape to use in support of Mental Health
- Gate fee is 4 canned food items which will be donated to Alvinston/Watford Food Banks
- Pancakes, Egg McMuffins and Beef on a Bun will be sold upstairs all day