Mar 14, 2018 | Brian Jubenville | 2183 views
Atom Rep Eagles set to begin OMHA Finals this weekend!
Our Atom Rep Eagles have qualified for OMHA Finals and will compete against the West Grey Warriors for an OMHA title.
This six point series is scheduled as follows:
Home Games:
Saturday, March 17 - 3:00 pm @ BAICC
Saturday, March 24 - 11:00 am @ Warwick Township Arena
Saturday, March 31 - 3:00 pm @ BAICC
Away Games:
Sunday, March 18 - 12:30 pm @ Durham CC
Sunday, March 25 - 2:30 pm @ Durham CC
Sunday, April 1 - 2:00 pm @ Durham CC
Come on out and cheer on your fellow Eagles!