TPH Body Checking Clinic, News (East Lambton Minor Hockey)

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Aug 12, 2016 | rstraatman | 1587 views
TPH Body Checking Clinic

Body Checking Clinic

During this 3 day TPH Body Checking Clinic, players will learn different techniques and strategies to properly use their body during contact hockey.

We will teach players how to give and effectively play the body by learning different types of techniques, and how to safely receive a body check. We will also work with players on how to protect the puck and use their body to create space on the ice. Body contact is an important part of the game and learning how to use your body effectively, protect your body in vulnerable situations and creating more time and space by protecting the puck will help improve your players game. Players will also run through a series of game situational drills to work on the new body contact techniques learned.

Dates: Monday August 22nd- Wednesday August 24th, 2016 (3 days)

Time: 5pm-6pm

Age: Peewee, Minor Bantam, Bantam

Location: Western Fair Sports Centre

Cost: $90 +HST

Please visit to register or call 519-453-8989

Alvinston Optimist Club
Optimist Club of Alvinston Districts started in 1978. We are a group of 65 strong. We help the youth of our community in many ways as possible (team sports, youth dances, literacy programs, HOBY, VIP programs and more). We have donated time and money towards such community improvement such as the library, playground equipment, baseball diamonds and a sports park. In the future, wish to add more community projects to that list. We are committed to our community and the youth within. When you come to check us out you will get a free meal and a fun evening out, with a lot of laughter! Contact an Optimist member or call Marjorie Cumming at 519-898-2946, if you wish to come. We also have a facebook account Twitter @alvdisopt
SSCF-Sting Assists
ELMHA thanks the SSCF - Sting Assists Organization for the generous donation of $10,000 for the 2023-24 season.