Aug 18, 2015 | rstraatman | 2146 views
2015 Elimination Winners
Congratulations to the following winners! If you have not yet received your prize, it will be mailed to you.
Glen App
Bonnie and Jason Jones
Mike Leliveld
Joe and Jessica Edgar
Jeff and Krista Sawyer
Chris Cran
Jeff and Sonia Thorne
Mike and Jenn DeBruyn
Shawn and Monique Wilson
Brenda and Paul VanBree
5th Last Ticket - $250 - Randy Rombouts
4th Last Ticket -$500 - Jeff MaLachlin
3rd Last Ticket - $1000 - Cindy Kucera
2nd Last Ticket - $2000 - Karen Cook
LAST TICKET - $4000 - AnnMarie McGugan