Silver Stick Volunteer Shifts, News (East Lambton Minor Hockey)

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Dec 02, 2014 | rstraatman | 1557 views
Silver Stick Volunteer Shifts
The Watford Silverstick kitchen, penalty box and Alvinston penalty box shifts will be posted shortly. Please keep checking the website for the date and time of it being posted.

All families are required to sign up for one silverstick shift. When the list is posted you may sign up for one shift until the date stated that opens it up for multiply sign ups.

The mighty mite day volunteer shift list will be posted as well.

All Watford shifts will be posted in Watford Arena and Alvinston shifts and Mighty mite day will be posted in Alvinston arena.

SSCF-Sting Assists
ELMHA thanks the SSCF - Sting Assists Organization for the generous donation of $10,000 for the 2023-24 season.